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A few sentences to ISUP
All ISUP objects are created from special data structures (struct xxxData)
via library functions (Createxxx). Some of these functions expect (a pointer
to) an ARRAY of data structures to create multiple objects with one call.
These arrays are terminated with an entry (data structure) with it's type
member (xxx_Type) set to the special value INTUISUP_DATA_END (0).
The creation functions return a pointer (APTR) to the internal data
environment according to these ISUP objects. This pointer is used later as
paramter for the other functions to access the object data.
Now a few words to the functions of ISUP library:
APTR IGetRenderInfo(struct Screen *screen, USHORT flags)
screen - ptr to screen the ISUP object should be displayed on or
NULL for the workbench screen
flags - RENDER_INFO_FLAG_xxx
Returns a pointer to an internal data structure with some visual
infos needed for creation of ISUP objects. Use the SAME pointer
(only ONE call of IGetRenderInfo for all ISUP objects displayed on
the SAME screen) as parameter APTR ri to the ISUP functions. This
data structure MUST be released with the function IFreeRenderInfo
before closing library.
VOID IFreeRenderInfo(APTR ri)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
Releases memory for internal data structure allocated by
struct Window *IOpenWindow(APTR ri, struct NewWindow *nw, USHORT flags)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
nw - pointer to initialized NewWindow structure
flags - OPEN_WINDOW_FLAG_xxx
Manipulates NewWindow structure according to given flags and opens
window from it.
VOID IClearWindow(APTR ri, struct Window *win, USHORT left_edge,
USHORT top_edge, USHORT width, USHORT height, USHORT flags)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
left_edge, top_edge, width, height - dimension of area to clear
Clears area of given window according to visual infos (APTR ri). The
area will be clipped to the window dimension if necessary.
VOID ICloseWindow(struct Window *win, BOOL more_windows)
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
more_windows - TRUE if user port of window shared with other windows
Closes window in a savely manner (all IntuiMessages are replyed,
user port is only closed if not shared, ...).
struct AvailFontsHeader *IAvailFonts(APTR ri)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
Creates a list of all available fonts (ROM + disk) and saves this in
the internal data structure (APTR ri).
struct TextAttr *IAskFont(APTR ri, struct TextAttr *ta)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
ta - pointer to initialized structure with text attributes
Check if given font exists in internal font list (APTR ri) created
with IAvailFonts.
struct TextFont *IOpenFont(APTR ri, struct TextAttr *ta)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
ta - pointer to initialized structure with text attributes
Open font according to given TextAttr structure from internal font
list (APTR ri).
VOID IDisplayTexts(APTR ri, struct Window *win, struct TextData *td,
SHORT hoffset, SHORT voffset, BYTE **language_text_array)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
td - pointer to ARRAY of initialized TextData structures
hoffset, voffset - offsets added to positions of ALL texts
language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
Displays texts described in given data structure array. If given
language_text_array is not NULL then td_Text doesn't contain a
pointer to string but an offset of the string pointer in given array
with pointers to text in foreign languages.
USHORT IPrintText(APTR ri, struct Window *win, BYTE *text, USHORT left_edge,
USHORT top_edge, USHORT type, USHORT flags, struct TextAttr *text_attr)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
text - pointer to string with text
left_edge, top_edge - position of text on diplay
type - TEXT_DATA_TYPE_xxx
flags - TEXT_DATA_FLAG_xxx
text_attr - font used for text
Displays text at given position.
USHORT IConvertUnsignedDec(ULONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
num - number to be converted
buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
Convert binary number to text string in unsigned decimal format.
USHORT IConvertSignedDec(LONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
num - number to be converted
buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
Convert binary number to text string in signed decimal format.
USHORT IConvertHex(ULONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
num - number to be converted
buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
Convert binary number to text string in hexa decimal format.
USHORT IConvertBin(ULONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
num - number to be converted
buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
Convert binary number to text string in binary format.
VOID IDisplayBorders(APTR ri, struct Window *win, struct BorderData *bd,
SHORT hoffset, SHORT voffset)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
td - pointer to ARRAY of initialized BorderData structures
hoffset, voffset - offsets added to positions of ALL texts
Displays borders described in given data structure array.
VOID IDrawBorder(APTR ri, struct Window *win, USHORT left_edge,
USHORT top_edge, USHORT width, USHORT height, USHORT type)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
left_edge, top_edge, width, height - dimension of border
Draws border at given position on display.
APTR ICreateGadgets(APTR ri, struct GadgetData *gd, SHORT hoffset,
SHORT voffset, BYTE **language_text_array)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
gd - pointer to ARRAY of initialized GadgetData structures
hoffset, voffset - offsets added to positions of ALL texts
language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
Create internal data structure for ISUP gadgets from given array of
data structures. This function DON'T display any object. Displaying
will be done with IDisplayGadgets. Internal data structure MUST be
released with IFreeGadgets. If given language_text_array are not
NULL then gd_Text doesn't contain a pointer to string but an offset
of the string pointer in given array with pointers to text in foreign
VOID IFreeGadgets(APTR gl)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
Releases memory for internal data structure allocated by
ICreateGadgets. If gadgets are currently displayed then they MUST be
removed with IRemoveGadgets first.
VOID IDisplayGadgets(struct Window *win, APTR gl)
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
Displays all gadgets from given internal data structure (gadgets now
are selectable). To remove gadgets from display use IRemoveGadgets
(gadgets aren't selectable any more).
VOID IRefreshGadgets(APTR gl)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
Refresh images of all gadgets from given internal data structure.
VOID IModifyGadget(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry, LONG left_edge, LONG top_edge,
ULONG width, ULONG height)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
left_edge, top_edge, width, height - new dimension of gadget or
USE_CURRENT_VALUE for old value
Repositions and/or resizes a gadget. All gadgets can be repositioned
but only some gadgets can be modified: buttons, sliders and
ULONG ISetGadgetAttributes(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry, ULONG flag_mask,
ULONG flag_bits, ULONG data1, ULONG data2, VOID *data3)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
change attributes
flag_mask - mask with bits set for flag bits to change
flag_bits - new flag bits (only bits with flag mask bit set are
data1, data2, data3 - new values for appropriate union gd_SpecialData
or USE_CURENT_VALUE for old value
Changes flags or special data and returns OLD value of a gadget. Not
all special data members can be changed of different gadgets. Some
are fixed while creating. NO ADDITIONAL REFRESH NEEDED.
VOID IActivateInputGadget(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
Activates an input gadget (string or integer gadget).
struct Gadget *IGadgetAddress(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
get pointer of its standard gadget structure
Returns pointer to the appropriate standard gadget structure. This
function is normally not used, because no access to the standard
gadget structures is required. All changes to ISUP objects MUST be
performed via ISetGadgetAttributes().
struct Window *IRemoveGadgets(APTR gl)
gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
Removes all gadgets belonging to given internal data structure from
display (gadgets aren't selectable any more). Pointer to window
gadgets displayed before is returned.
struct IntuiMessage *IGetMsg(struct MsgPort *uport)
uport - window's user port
MUST be used instead of Exec's GetMsg to handle all actions belonging
to ISUP objects. For all events produced by ISUP objects a modified
IntuiMessage structure will be returned. Some of their members are
(mis)used for special ISUP data:
Class = ISUP_ID -> need to identify an modified ISUP message
Code = id of the appropriate ISUP object -> offset of object
data structure in array of GadgetData structures
given to ICreateGadgets()
IAddress = value returned from ISUP object, e.g. state (0|1)
of check gadget, count of count gadget,...
ATTENTION: for string gadgets IAddress contains
a pointer to the gadget's input buffer,
so no ptr to gad->StringInfo.Buffer
SpecialLink = internal ptr returned by ICreateGadgets()
according to appropriate ISUP object
ATTENTION: if more than one lists with ISUP
objects displayed on the same
window, SpecialLink must be checked
first for the list the ISUP object
belongs to
All other members of the IntuiMessage structure contains their
normal values. All special IntuiMessage structures MUST be replied
with IReplyMsg instead of Exec's ReplyMsg. Normal IntuiMessage can
replied with this function too.
struct IntuiMessage *im;
while (im = IGetMsg(win->UserPort)) {
if (im->Class == ISUP_ID) {
ULONG value;
/* Handle event from ISUP object */
switch (im->Code) {
case 0 : /* first object in GadgetData array */
value = (ULONG)im->IAddress; /* value returned from this object */
case n : /* n-th object in GadgetData array */
value = (ULONG)im->IAddress; /* value returned from this object */
} else {
/* Handle normal IDCMP events */
VOID IReplyMsg(struct IntuiMessage *imsg)
imsg - IntuiMessage received with IGetMsg
Replys special IntuiMessage built by IGetMsg (Class == ISUP_ID).
Normal IntuiMessage can replied with this function too.
UBYTE IConvertRawKeytoASCII(struct IntuiMessage *imsg)
imsg - IntuiMessage received with IGetMsg
Returns ASCII code of given RAWKEY IntuiMessage or ZERO if no
ASCII character.
BOOL IAutoRequest(struct Window *req_win, BYTE *title, BYTE *body_text,
BYTE *pos_text, BYTE *neg_text, LONG pos_idcmp_flags,
LONG neg_idcmp_flags, USHORT req_flags, BYTE **language_text_array)
req_win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow or NULL for
window on workbench screen
title - pointer to title string for requester window or NULL for
default title
body_text - pointer to text string for requester body
pos_text - pointer to text string for positive gadget or NULL for no
positive gadget
neg_text - pointer to text string for negative gadget or NULL for no
negative gadget
pos_idcmp_flags - IDCMP flags for activating positive gadget
neg_idcmp_flags - IDCMP flags for activating negative gadget
req_flags - REQ_DATA_FLAG_xxx
language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
Displays an auto requester from given data and waits for it's
termination with the positive or negative gadget. In body text a new
line is started with `\n'. If given language_text_array is not NULL
then td_Text doesn't contain a pointer to string but an offset of
the string pointer in given array with pointers to text in foreign
APTR IDisplayRequester(struct Window *req_win, struct RequesterData *rd,
BYTE **language_text_array)
req_win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow or NULL for
window on workbench screen
rd - pointer to initialized RequesterData structure
language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
Displays a requester defined by given RequesterData structure. All
other gadgets displayed on window the requester window (req_win)
opened from are disabled till removing of requester. So any
IntuiMessages with Class == ISUP_ID received by
IGetMsg(req_win->UserPort) come from requester. If given
language_text_array is not NULL then td_Text doesn't contain a
pointer to string but an offset of the string pointer in given array
with pointers to text in foreign languages. Pointer to internal
data structure belonging to requester is returned. Requester MUST be
removed from display with IRemoveRequester.
VOID IRemoveRequester(APTR rl)
rl - pointer to internal data structure returned by IDisplayRequester
Removes requester belonging to given internal data structure from
display. All gadgets disabled by IDisplayGadgets are reenabled now.
APTR ICreateMenu(APTR ri, struct Window *win, struct MenuData *md,
struct TextAttr *ta, BYTE **language_text_array)
ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
md - pointer to ARRAY of initialized MenuData structures
ta - pointer to initialized structure with text attributes
language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
Create internal data structure for a menu from given array of data
structures. This function DON'T display the menu. Displaying will be
done with IAttachMenu. Internal data structure MUST be released with
IFreeMenu. If given language_text_array are not NULL then md_Text
doesn't contain a pointer to string but an offset of the string
pointer in given array with pointers to text in foreign languages.
Pointer to internal data structure belonging to menu is returned.
VOID IAttachMenu(struct Window *win, APTR ml)
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
Make menu built with ICreateMenu available by attaching it to given
window. Menu MUST be removed with IRemoveMenu.
struct MenuItem *IMenuItemAddress(APTR ml, USHORT menu_num)
ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
menu_num - offset (in array of MenuData structures) of menu item
to get address
Return pointer to normal MenuItem structure of specified menu item.
struct Window *IRemoveMenu(APTR ml)
ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
Remove menu attached with IAttachMenu from display.
VOID IFreeMenu(APTR ml)
ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
Releases memory for internal data structure allocated by
ICreateMenu. If menu is currently attached then it MUST be removed
with IRemoveMenu first.
struct FileData *IOpenTextFile(BYTE *name, USHORT read_buffer_size,
USHORT line_buffer_size, USHORT flags)
name - pointer to string with file name
read_buffer_size - size (in bytes) of buffer used for reading text
line_buffer_size - number of bytes used for longest line of text
flags - TEXT_FILE_FLAG_xxx
Opens given text file and returns pointer to data structure with
allocated buffers. This structure MUST be freed with ICloseTextFile.
SHORT IReadTextLine(struct FileData *fd)
fd - pointer to internal data structure returned by IOpenTextFile
Read next line from text file opened with IOpenTextFile. This line
can be found in given FileData structure.
VOID ICloseTextFile(struct FileData *fd)
fd - pointer to internal data structure returned by IOpenTextFile
Close text file opened with IOpenTextFile and releases allocated
BYTE **IBuildLanguageTextArray(BYTE *name, USHORT entries)
name - pointer to string with name of file with language texts
entries - number of text entries in file
Parse given text file and return pointer to array of text strings
read from language file. This array MUST be released with
BYTE *IGetLanguageText(BYTE *text, BYTE **text_array)
text - offset (in array of text strings) of language text (starting
with 1 instead of 0!!!)
text_array - pointer to array of text strings created by
Returns specified entry from within text pointer array created with
VOID IFreeLanguageTextArray(BYTE **text_array)
text_array - pointer to array of text strings created by
Releases memory of array created with IBuildLanguageTextArray.
VOID IChangeMousePointer(struct Window *win, struct PointerData *pd)
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
pd - pointer to initialized PointerData structure or NULL for
busy mouse pointer
Replace current mouse pointer of selected window with one described
in given data structure. Old mouse pointer will be saved and can be
restored later with IRestoreMousePointer.
VOID IRestoreMousePointer(struct Window *win)
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
Restore old mouse pointer saved with IChangeMousePointer.
VOID IMoveMousePointer(struct Window *win, SHORT x, SHORT y, BOOL button)
win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
x, y - new position (relative to upper left corner of given
window!!!) for mouse pointer
button - TRUE for left mouse button pressed
Move mouse pointer of given window to new position.